Word on the street was that there was some underground scene of painters and drawers in Chiang Mai. Well, we found them - and they really were under ground. Last Saturday, while searching around night markets, we found about 30 very talented creators that worked out of a basement of a market. Nearly everything that they were selling were drawings (almost no prints). Everyone of them uses their gallery as a studio -or maybe vise versa- but essentially there was no difference. They seemed to be in groups of 3 to 6 people. They weren't creating work as nameless massproducers, yet they seemed to share in each other's success. One of the guys seemed quite happy to sell me a drawing made by his friend, and after I bought it, 4 of them abandoned their easels to help take it out of it's display frame to pack it up. It looked like such a beautiful way to work.
As many of you know, the Master Painter I am apprenticing is a leader in a movement to define a stream of painting under the Superstructure of the term Kitsch. He has done a lot to reorient people's thinking of that term to not only include pink lawn flamingos, precious moments dolls, and a picture of a moose by a lake, but also "high kitsch" - including painters like Rembrandt, Waterhouse, and, well, himself. With this philosophy, Kitsch is concerned with pathos, the eternal, and the intimate, while Art is concerned with irony and originality.
I could go on with these ideas, but instead, I'll direct anyone interested to some writings by Jan-Ove Tuv and Odd Nerdrum.
"On Kitsch" by Odd Nerdrum et. al. Published by Kagge Forlag
I was quite happy to find these Thai "Kitschists".

This made me giggle. Leave it to you guys to find these incredible sites. Did you fell like a kid in a candy shop? Sooo cool!
Thanks for your explanation of kitsch. I did think of it as pink flamingos and couldn't understand why anyone would want to be labeled kitsch as a serious artist. I am loving your blog posts and your photographs. You are both doing such wonderful work. What an inspiration!
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